Every Sheriff In LA Region Refuses To Enforce Gavin Newsom’s COVID Curfew

Every Sheriff In LA Region Refuses To Enforce Gavin Newsom’s COVID Curfew

Tyler Durden

Sat, 11/21/2020 – 21:00

Authored by Thomas Lifson via AmericanThinker.com,

Sheriffs in 5 Southern California counties with a total population of 17.25 million people – equivalent to the fifth most populous state – are defying that state’s governor. They will not arrest people for violating the statewide curfew that Governor Gavin Newsom has imposed starting today, apparently on the belief that the virus wakes up, and goes out at 10 PM.

Bill Melugin of KTTV, Fox 11 in Los Angeles (hat tip: Breitbart) contacted them about enforcing the statewide curfew:

Some city police departments are also demurring:

Newsom has lost all credibility for restricting activity in the name of suppressing the spread of Covid.  He was caught and exposed flouting his own ridiculous strictures on eating in restaurants (put your mask back on between bites of food).  Public exposure of his mask-less attendance at a party full of lobbyists at one of the fanciest restaurants in the world with no social distancing was bad enough. But his subsequent lying, smirking  non-apology apology may well be the death knell for his political career.

His behavior was in utter disregard of his own guidelines for Californians observing Thanksgiving:

Other sheriffs in Northern California, including Sacramento County, where the Governor now lives, are also refusing to enforce the curfew.

Newsom is facing an existing recall effort, with a deadline of March 17, 2021 to collect 1,495,709 valid signatures. In practice, because some signatures will be challenged, at least 1,700,000 signatures will be required to get the recall election on the ballot. According to Rescue California, which is sponsoring the recall effort, there is already a running start:

In a telephone conversation with Paul Olson on November 18, whose company, GoCo Consulting, is doing the petition verification for the recall, he confirmed that his firm has already processed 494,000 signed petitions which have either just been turned in or are now being delivered to the county clerks around the state. Olson also confirmed that his firm is currently processing another 230,000 signatures.

When combined with the 55,000 that were turned in earlier in the year, and the ones already signed but still being delivered, conservatively estimated at 60,000, this campaign has already collected over 800,000 signed recall petitions.

Californians may go here and download hard copies of the recall petition and obtain up to 5 signatures for each copy, for submission.

Californians have already recalled one governor, Gray Davis, which ended his political career. Newsom, who long has had his sights on the Oval Office, and who is related by marriage to Nancy Pelosi, is now the focus of public resentment over arbitrary restrictions in the name of Covid. It is a status he has earned.