Americans’ Income Collpsed By Most On Record In February

Americans’ Income Collpsed By Most On Record In February

After the extreme surge in income and spending in January (as government handouts gushed across the nation), analysts expected February to see some give back (more on the income side than on the spending side) – they were right.

Americans’ income fell 7.1% MoM in February (-7.2% exp) vs the 10.1% (revised up) rise in January.

Americans’ spending fell 1.2% MoM in February (-1.0% exp) vs the 3.0% (big upward revision) jump in January.

Source: Bloomberg

That is the largest MoM decline in Americans’ income on record.

On a year-over-year basis, spending remains lower and while income growth tumbled, it is still up 4.3% YoY…

Source: Bloomberg

All of which means the savings rate tumbled from 19.8% in Jan to 13.% in Feb

… as the Dec stimulus was spent but ahead of the March Biden stimulus.

What would the US ‘economy’ be without trillions of handouts from our overlords?

Tyler Durden
Fri, 03/26/2021 – 08:38