COVID Bailouts Have Nothing To Do With COVID

Dime Chart

The SEC Is Allowing 5-Count Felon JPMorgan Chase to Trade Its Own Bank Stock in its Own Dark Pools

Americans Are ‘More & More Dependent’ On Big Govt – Things Are Never Going Back To ‘Normal’

The Most Monstrously Overstimulated Economy & Markets Ever

Dime Chart: Friday 13th —The End of Market’s

The Fed Stabilizes The Economy?

The End Of The Gold Standard: Fifty Years Of Monetary Insanity

Share of Homes Sold Way Over List Doubles

The Data Shows The Fed Is Behind The Surging Wealth Gap

The Crime of ’71: When Nixon Ended the Dollar’s Last Connection to Gold

Question Of The Day: What Is The Fed’s Real Dual Mandate?

Robert Barnes (Fed Lawsuit Update, Vaccine Mandates/Passports Deep Dive)

Dime Chart

McCullough: Transitory Is B.S. (Look At Rent Expectations)