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Global Stocks Set For Best Month Ever As Dollar Dumps Near 3-Year Lows

Global Stocks Set For Best Month Ever As Dollar Dumps Near 3-Year Lows

Tyler Durden

Wed, 11/25/2020 – 13:15

With just a few days (of illiquid markets) to go, global stocks (MSCI World) is set for its greatest monthly return ever…

Source: Bloomberg

As the dollar dumps to its weakest against its fiat peers since April 2018…

Source: Bloomberg

Small Caps are outperforming this week (continuing an enormous month); Nasdaq is lagging but still up 2% this week…

The Dow is also having its best month since Jan 1987…

Source: Bloomberg

Which sent “Extreme” greed to “Extremer” greed…

Source: CNN

This is easy!!

Small Caps have dominated mega-tech this month… but did they stumble at resistance?

Source: Bloomberg

Energy stocks gave a little back today but remain up yuuuge in November. Utes are the laggards but are also up on the month…

Source: Bloomberg

Momentum staged a very small comeback relative to value today, but it’s been an ugly month…

Source: Bloomberg

Treasury yields fell today but remain modestly higher on the week (2y unch, 30Y +8bps)…

Source: Bloomberg

Bitcoin was modestly lower on the day, back below $19,000, but still up large on the week…

Source: Bloomberg

Its been an ugly month for PMs as copper and crude exploded higher… hope!

Source: Bloomberg

Gold futs managed to bounce off their 200DMA and back above the $1800 level…

WTI surged back to almost $46 today – its highest in 8 months…

Finally, we note that investors should really be giving thanks to just one ‘thing’ this holiday… Global Central Banks!!

Source: Bloomberg

The best month ever for global stocks on the back of $14 trillion in global liquidity pukage for the last few months.

And you should probably ignore this too…

Source: Bloomberg

Oh and Maradonna died… I guess the ‘hand of god’ finally caught up with him.

Have a great Thanksgiving.

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