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Gold Pukes Below $1800 As VIX Flash-Crashes To February Lows

Gold Pukes Below $1800 As VIX Flash-Crashes To February Lows

Tyler Durden

Fri, 11/27/2020 – 08:17

Greed is good…

Fear is, apparently, a waste of time – so who needs protection.

After a mini-flash-crash this morning…

For the first time since February, VIX has dropped below 20 this morning…

Having plummeted since the election on the heels of vaccine headlines…

And as VIX was dumped, so was gold…

Who needs protection when there is The Fed and Democrats to print/spend/”stimulate” stocks to record highs?

Except, of course, as Peter Schiff recently warned: “We don’t need the stimulus to deal with the COVID disease. We need more stimulus to deal with the COVID cure. That’s what we’re addicted to. We’re addicted to the cure. It’s not about the disease. It’s all about the cure…

…The Fed will stop the nominal collapse in asset prices or goods prices. But they will cause an even bigger collapse in real terms pricing those assets and goods in gold. So, if you hide out in US Treasuries, you get wiped out. That’s not a safe haven. The real safe haven would be real money, which would be gold.”

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