The Daily Shot Brief – April 4th, 2022



The United States: First, the payrolls report solidified the yield curve inversion.

Source: The Daily Shot

The curve inversion doesn’t mean recession is imminent. The lead time from the 2s/10s inversion can range from seven months to 33 months.

Source: @DiMartinoBooth


Europe: Inflation continues to surge across Europe, partially driven by a 45% increase in the Energy CPI YoY.

Source: The Daily Shot

Also, European shares trade at a deepening discount to US peers.

Source: @Callum_Thomas, @topdowncharts Read full article


Cryptocurrency: Next, spikes in bitcoin’s trading volume tend to occur during the first and last weeks of the month.

Source: CoinDesk Read full article


Energy: What are the components of crude oil price gains relative to March 2021?

Source: Numera Analytics


Equities: Has the stock/bond ratio peaked?

Source: MRB Partners


Food for Thought: The Oscars’ viewership over time:

Source: @chartrdaily


Edited by Alexander Bowers

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