As a current Silver investor, sound money advocate, and officially an #EndTheFed spokesperson having completed all three vows – have a Giant Bank(defined by FDIC) charge off thousands in credit card debt, personally audited by the IRS, submit +10 FOIA requests to the Fed Board and/or visit every dataset on FRED once – I’d like to discuss the importance between Wallstreetbets, the $GME trade, and #silversqueeze.
I’m not a follower or in anyway a part of the wallstreetbets community besides being a fan. From what I’ve come across online, the silver trade may not be associated with or supported by #WSB. In fact, it seems quite the opposite as many posts seem to be upset seeing headlines claiming #WSB/Reddit Users are targeting silver and moving on from GameStop. Whoever is ultimately behind the #Silversqueeze trend does not matter. What’s important is that this investment, depending on which method of execution, should be adopted by #WSB or every retail investor – or a similar alternative should be provided.
First, congratulations to the Autist of the $GME idea and all who participated in this event. What #WSB achieved is beyond impressive; it is a miraculous, intelligent, and oddly meticulous plan that nobody believed possible until it happened. A trade by a group of Redditors caused a Hedge Fund to lose half of their capital in one month despite the media, broker-dealers, and a majority of other financial pundits attempting all of their tricks. WallStreetBets exposed(or reminded)how powerful, corrupt, and reckless financial institutions are and continue to be even when everybody is watching. As I discussed the other day,(Copy Twitter thread) the Cofounders of RobinHood built their entire company with lies and deceit but it does not stop Vladimir Tenev from going on a media campaign repeating the same Bulgarian Bullshit. He is a fraudulent billionaire. The fine against RobinHood perfectly encapsulates how the financial sector/banks work: if a fraudulent idea can make millions or billions the opportunity is worth it almost every time; 99.9% there’s no jail time; 99% of the time the punishment is a fine levied by the SEC that is LESS than the profit made.
Here is a random list of a few articles and reports about Wall Street Crimes. The frequency of crimes committed by Big Banks has been very frustrating – if we consider the fact not all of their illegal schemes are caught it makes it highly probably they’re engaged in some illegal activity every day.
What has occurred because of #WSB should make them and all retail investors reconsider and realize the power small investors have voluntarily coming together. It should also make them(us) contemplate their(our) future objectives.
A popular comment was being shared on Reddit and Twitter about a person HODLing their $GME position. The trade wasn’t(or was no longer) about the profit. They wanted to inflict as much pain on the Hedge Fund(s) that were short because of the pain inflicted on them, their family, and hundreds of thousands of families during the housing/financial crisis.
A common theme among people discussing the #WSB story is the unity and joy about the average joe’s/retail and investor/middle class defeating the rich/hedgefunds/elite. It’s the shared sentiment so many have reading the post by Space-Peanut,”This is for you, Dad.” Many Americans believe the system is corrupt and/or rigged against them but they tend not to devote too much attention to it because they feel as if it’s impossible to change. The harder one fights against this system only causes more stress, depression, and a helplessness you feel about your life. No matter your political beliefs, we almost all feel as if there is a class which is untouchable. Wall Street has been one of the pillars of Untouchables and is a sector which has the greatest number of wealthy people by far…
Again, here is where I detail why this industry has grown and how they’ve leached on the American middle class and economy.
This is why it’s so frustrating for me to see how many in #WSB are opposed to even the idea of #Silver.
The debate surrounding #Silver frequently mentions Citadel holding a large position, the implication being the trade would benefit them and undo much of the progress/results $GME accomplished. Unless #WSB is intent on preventing a few specific funds from profiting by their trades, this thought process makes no sense. Even if the $GME trade could be repeated many times over, the damage to Hedge Funds as a whole would be minimal. The fact is the strategy will lose its effect as funds adjust their positions and are aware of WSB’s, or anything that’s similar, potential impact. Not to mention the financial industry as a whole is not being changed. The people responsible for the housing crisis, market manipulation, harmful speculation, and practices that provide them absurd wealth even as they provide no value to society, will all continue to thrive.
I understand the anger or frustration if #WSB feels their trade and community is being hijacked or manipulated. If the community still feels the $GME position has/had more potential, could cause more pain on these funds, and profits for retail only IF people maintain their position, then it’s understandable and right to be upset.
Now that GameStop is trading well below $100 and Silver longs have been immediately crushed(perhaps proving #WSB’s point), I think it’s time another investment strategy be considered and for an even bigger impact.
I mentioned how the story of #WSB/$GME had a lot of supporters due to its “David and Goliath” like nature. Most of the posts and people involved in the trade claimed that profits were no longer a primary concern as it evolved into a much bigger idea. The plot of this idea is centered around the corrupt, destructive, and unfair financial system and Hedge Funds that reap rewards by harming companies and people’s lives. If the community places this idea above their own profit; if the community is not just a Reddit forum for trade ideas to help retail investors overcome the advantaged institutions; if the community is genuinely concerned with changing a rigged system, as $GME provides another example of that rigged system, then they’d have to change their operation. If sticking it to hedge funds and profitable trades are the motivation then this message can be disregarded.
#Silversqueeze has many flaws depending on who is describing the strategy. In my opinion, there is one way to corner the physical market by retail. Of course, this is a long shot and highly unlikely. However, I don’t want to get into the specifics in this article.
There’s only one investment I would like to recommend because there’s only one way retail investors or average Americans can change the financial system.
Stop using Dollars.
Highly impractical? Also, highly improbable. Car loans, Student loans, Credit Cards, Mortgages, and your income is all in dollars. At the very least all savings need to be withdrawn from financial institutions – this is most important if your bank is BofA, WFC, C, or JPM. All of these are used as collateral and increase their ability to expand their business. These banks are a major contributor for the success of other funds and firms with short term lending.
While I believe Silver and Gold to be sound money and the best standard for a monetary system, I don’t claim they’re the only solution or asset. Yes, I think metals are better than Bitcoin but I’m not going to discourage investment into bitcoin because both investments help the most important objective, lessening the control of a few institutions and the Federal Reserve. Unfortunately, most aspects of life require the financial system.
At this point in time, either people work together to find a few solutions outside of these prominent financial institutions or continue attempts like #WSB to achieve short term victories; the latter continues the 40 year trend in growing the wealth and control of Wall Street.
I have a few ideas to best achieve this outcome – a derivation of “#silversqueeze” being one. Although I don’t see the purpose in trying to argue this until a consensus can be formed in regards to abandoning the dollar. The thought of this will cause many people to believe I want the U.S. to fail. The way I see things, it’s precisely the opposite. Continuing the current path will result in a steady but slower decline in the average American’s standard of living as the control of central planners and/or the Federal Government steadily increases. As American’s come into greater struggle they’ll be more inclined to accept the “benefits” or help of these central planners, not realizing they’re giving more power and control to the very people responsible for their demise. However, the alternative would require a shorter but harsher road to travel. The economic system would begin to crumble and many lives would be ruined. There’s no smooth transition or easy path to implement change from here. The sooner the path is taken the higher chance of success it will have. Being able to convince enough people to achieve this is essentially impossible. Then again, #WSB and $GME was supposed to be impossible too; it is a much smaller impossible relative to this but it all starts with one impossible at a time.
The Federal Reserve and Wall Street are the same. They’ve used the dollar and monetary system to create behemoth banks that cannot fail without bringing ruin to everybody else. Yet they still are able to get away with crimes every single day and continue to reap profits well above every sector. Below I’ve referenced a ton of articles by myself and others – with images for the goldfish like attention spans most people have so you don’t have to read too much – that discuss how powerful and corrupt they’re. In my opinion, the reading is essential but some of it may be too dull or complicated if you’re not experienced in the industry. The list is astonishing and it shows how far above and beyond these people are relative to anybody else. Don’t forget to at least scroll to the very bottom.
Citigroup Ran Unregistered Dark Pool stock exchange for YEARS

JPMORGAN London Whale – conducting risky trades with customer deposits and losing Billions:

Where a whistleblower reveals the SEC had been destroying documents of preliminary investigations… For the past 20 years.

A brief 132 page report of the past two decades Financial Crimes committed by the Big Banks: JPM, BofA, Citi, Wells Fargo, Goldman, and Morgan Stanley:
I provided a short Gallery for this one.
JP Morgan made hundreds of millions of dollars from “servicing” Madoff’s accounts and saved itself another $276 million invested with Madoff by remarkably well-timed withdrawals, conveniently just before the scheme was revealed:’s-648-billion-ponzi-scheme-crime-wall-street

Where the Federal Reserve decides to conduct Repo Operations in the months just BEFORE Covid providing cumulative loans totaling 9 Trillion dollars to Wall Street but nobody knows which banks received loans because the NYFED is a corporation. JPM drew down reserves during this period so submitted a records request under FOIA but NYFED is not subjected to the law. The Board of Governors is and sent 233 pages of redacted info:

Where I detail a report by the Levy Institute which reveals the Federal Reserve used 29 Trillion dollars during the Financial Crisis. Citigroup was provided 2.6 trillion dollars in assistance from the Fed.

Where I detail wealth inequality, “Financialization of the Economy by Design”

A coordinated effort to pull money out of the banks is all it takes to get the ball rolling. Believing a bunch of simpletons can bring down the financial system… There’s nothing more retarded than that. #OceansAuteen